Seminario de Actualizacion sobre Mexico
These pages contain images and information from a week long Senior Fellows Seminar I attended in June 1999 -- still very telling. The Seminar, organized by the Mexican American Solidarity Foundation, took place in Mexico City and the state of Oaxaca. The purpose of the Seminar was to inform U.S. educators on the present political and educational state of affairs in Mexico. All of the photos here were taken by me and are copyright. Please do not reproduce them or use them in any way without permission.
The gentleman pictured at right lives in a remote village in one of the poorest states (Oaxaca) in Mexico. He is a migrant worker, migrating both within Mexico and between Mexico and the United States. Each migration is heroically etched in his face. This proud, hardworking "bracero" face represents what we typically refer to as "illegal." You will see many such "illegal" faces in these pages and I hope when you have finished browsing them that you too will understand that ningun ser humano es inlegal. ELEMENTARY EDUCATION IN MEXICO TEACHER PREPARATION/NORMAL SCHOOLS - Normalistas |