I have posted some professional information about myself (in the form of an abbreviated vita) and a list of publications. Where possible, I have provided links to the article. If you would like a copy of any article, please contact me via email and I will post it immediately. My professional interest is in education. Specifically, I am interested in philosophy of education, the social foundations of education, critical pedagogy, and language policy. My current project is an edited volume (w/ BedrettinYazan) on the Commodification of Language.
In addition to my professional information, at this website you will also find:
In addition to my professional information, at this website you will also find:
- syllabi to the courses I teach,
- links to resources important informational websites related to my academic interests specifically as well as other issues of social justice,
- some information about education in Mexico ("Seminario" takes you to pages based largely on a seminar sponsored by the, now defunct, Mexican American Solidarity Foundation. The pages provide information about K-12 education in Mexico and teacher preparation. It also depicts pictorially the stark contrast between private, urban, and rural schools. Of course, the same inequalities exist in the US as well-documented by Jonathan Kozol),
- a link to the Department of Educational Leadership, Policy, and Technology Studies (ELPTS)--my academic home in the College of Education.